.tek: I Was Sooo Wrong: #Google Maps Vs #IOS6 Maps & #Apple's Continuing Crash

I was so looking forward to a decent Apple in-house satnav app in IOS 6 and then it turned out to be pants.  Now there’s a new WiFi-gate fiasco with the iPhone 5, Apple has decided to sue Samsung again and there was a big fight between employees at Foxconn.   And still no iPad Mini either.  I haven’t even bothered to download the IOS6 update, or even recharged my iPhone 4S or bought more GiffGaff credit since the end of August.  But that might be because no one calls me.  Sob.

“We’re on an express elevator to hell, going down!”

-Hudson, Aliens

1 thoughts on “.tek: I Was Sooo Wrong: #Google Maps Vs #IOS6 Maps & #Apple's Continuing Crash

  1. Pingback: YouTube Trawl: #Batman, #Katniss & Jack #IOS6 #Apple #Maps | Boldly Voyaging the Multiverse!

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